Privacy Policy

Postal Address: Calle Mare Ràfols, 7. Sitges
Telephone: 617206660
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In accordance with current legislation on the Protection of Personal Data, mestresartbcn informs the user(s) (the “User(s)”) of the Website (hereinafter, the “Website”) about the Privacy Policy that will apply in the treatment of personal data that the User provides either when registering on the Web by completing the registration form enabled for this purpose, by subscribing to the newsletter, as well as during the purchase process or in the interactions you carry out with MESTRESARTBCN. The User, by providing MESTRESARTBCN with their personal data, will expressly consent through the mechanism enabled for this purpose, that MESTRESARTBCN may process such data in the terms established in this Privacy Policy, which will constitute the legal basis for its processing.

MESTRESARTBCN may collect personal information from Platform Users through the corresponding forms, that is, name, email address, postal address and/or telephone number when the User visits the Platform, registers, places an online order or contact MESTRESARTBCN. In addition, MESTRESARTBCN collects all the information related to your browsing on the Platform and your interaction with the brand. The fact of not providing certain information indicated as mandatory, may mean that it is not possible to manage your registration as a user or the use of certain functionalities or services available through the Platform. The data that the User voluntarily provides while using the Web will be included in a file owned by MESTRESARTBCN for its treatment with the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy. In accordance with the current legislation on the protection of personal data and in particular, as established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data and which repeals Directive 95/46/CE, MESTRESARTBCN will keep the corresponding record of personal data processing activities. MESTRESARTBCN has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to maintain the required level of security, depending on the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the treatment, in order to avoid, as far as possible and always according to the state of the technique, its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.

The personal data that you provide us and those that you provide us at any time will be included in an automated file for which MESTRESARTBCN is responsible for the following purposes: a) Manage your registration as a user on our Platform b) Develop, comply with and execute the sales contract entered into when purchasing MESTRESARTBCN products. c) Inform, process, manage and send your order (and eventual return) as well as the perfection of the contract of sale of the products that you have purchased. d) Contact you via email, phone calls, sending SMS or other equivalent electronic means of communication, in relation to updates or informative communications related to the functionalities, products or services contracted, including security updates of the Platform, whenever it is necessary or reasonable for its execution. e) Respond to and follow up on the queries and requests that you address to us through our Customer Service or in our stores. f) Provide you with information about the products marketed by MESTRESARTBCN as well as any other complementary, including in relation to said products, the sending of future commercial and advertising offers by any available communication channel, including SMS messages to mobile phones, email, etc. g) Creation of user profiles. h) Carry out market studies and statistics of our products. FOR HOW LONG WILL WE KEEP THE DATA? The personal data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship or the one that originated the treatment is maintained. If you decide to cancel your personal data, they may be kept in our databases for the periods provided by law in order to comply with tax and accounting obligations, and they will be deleted once said legal periods or those that are applicable have expired. SUBSCRIPTION TO THE NEWSLETTER In the event that you authorize your subscription to the MESTRESARTBCN Newsletter, we will provide you with information about our products and services, through various means such as, among others, email, any other equivalent electronic means of communication, such as SMS. Subscription to the MESTRESARTBCN Newsletter may entail the use of your personal data to make personalized advertising available to you, related to our products and services through e-mails, SMS, or other own electronic means or those of third-party collaborators. In order to improve the service we provide you, we inform you that the personal data related to your purchases in our online and physical stores, tastes and preferences may be used for the purposes of analysis, generation of use profiles, marketing studies, surveys of quality and improvement of the interaction with our customers. If you are a registered user, you can change your preferences in relation to the sending of such commercial communications through MESTRESARTBCN or the functionality that may exist for this purpose on the Platform. Likewise, you can cancel your subscription through the link provided for this purpose in each of our newsletters and by following the instructions provided.

The legal basis for the treatment of your data as a client is the contractual relationship established by having acquired MESTRESARTBCN products and compliance with commercial, fiscal and accounting obligations. The communication of offers and promotions, the sending of advertising by any means of communication, as well as the preparation of profiles and the transfer of your personal data to third parties, are based on the express consent that is requested.

In order to offer you a quality service, MESTRESARTBCN is obliged to provide certain data of its users to other companies that collaborate with the provision of the service (carriers, financial institutions, courier companies, communication delivery companies, processing companies profiles, etc.). In all cases, the data provided is strictly necessary for the specific activity to be carried out. We use Shopify to power our online store. You can read more about how Shopify uses your personal information here:
By accepting this Privacy Policy, you expressly authorize MESTRESARTBCN so that the personal data you provide us may be transferred to other group companies or third party collaborators of MESTRESARTBCN whether they are inside or outside Spanish territory, and offer a level of protection comparable to that established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (GDPR), in Organic Law 15/99 of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD ), and in the other regulations in force on the matter. In any case, the third parties with whom certain personal data is shared will have previously accredited the adoption of appropriate technical and organizational measures for the correct protection of the same. MESTRESARTBCN does not sell customer data to third parties in any case.

The User may exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition, as well as the limitation and portability of their data in compliance with the provisions of current data protection regulations. The exercise of these rights must be carried out by means of a written communication signed by the owner of the data, indicating their address, attaching a copy of their National Identity Document or other supporting document, by contacting MESTRESARTBCN, at the email indicated in the header. Likewise, the User may oppose the sending of commercial communications from MESTRESARTBCN and withdraw their consent without this affecting the legality of the processing of their personal data for other purposes. MESTRESARTBCN informs its Users of the possibility they have to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection in the event that they understand that the correct assistance has not been obtained in the exercise of the rights mentioned in this section.